From where did Harappan procure their materials
Such raw materials were of immense importance to all the civilized societies of the period (and other periods), either for their practical use (eg metals for tools, timber for houses and ships) or for social, political and religious display (eg adorning temples). In terms of the efforts involved, the Harappans were fortunate in being able to obtain many of their raw materials far more easily than many of their contemporaries: the hills and mountains surrounding the Indus region on 2-3 sides were neighbouring sources of many of the minerals they required and were inhabited by friendly cultures, whereas the Mesopotamians, for example, were frequently in conflict with the peoples of the neighbouring regions from or through which they had to obtain raw materials.
The flint (chert) from the Rohri Hills is of exceptional quality so was better for making tools than that from the many sources closer to many Harappan communities. The universal use of Rohri Hills flint during the Harappan period, and the reliance on more local sources before and after, does indeed give an important insight into Harappan economy and society: it means that during the Harappan period there was a system in place that ensured that the best material was made available to all. This implies a well organised and well integrated distribution network, at the very least, and I would argue that it also implies a strong state and efficient bureaucracy, controlling mining and issuing flint (and other materials) to communit