from where does Honey come how it is produced and collected
Figure 9
The process of making honey is somewhat complex. It begins when the bee lands on a flower and drinks its nectar. This is accomplished by using their incredibly long tongue. The nectar is then stored in the honey sac, or honey stomach, where it is broken down into fructose and glucose. The honey bee flies back to the hive, and spits the nectar out into one of the comb cells. Then, the water evaporates from the sugars and turns it into honey. At this point, the bees cover the cell with a wax cap, using the wax from the gland on their abdomen: and now they have food for the winter!
When the worker bees are about 20 days old, they leave the hive to collect nectar, the sweet secretion produced by the glands of flowers. The bee penetrates the flower's petals and sucks the nectar out with its tongue and deposits the nectar into its honey sac or abdomen