From where the agent of denudation derive their energy to do work
Denudation incorporates the mechanical, biological and chemical processes of erosion, weathering and mass wasting. Denudation can involve the removal of both solid particles and dissolved material. These include sub-processes of cryofracture, insolation weathering, slaking, salt weathering, bioturbation and anthropogenic impacts.[1]
Factors affecting denudation include:´
Anthropogenic activity
Climate (most directly in chemical weathering)
Tectonic activity
The agents of denudation such as wind and water derive their energy from the sun to do work.
Denudation is an erosive process of breaking and removing the rocks from the surface of the earth. It is the wearing away of the terrestrial land by weathering, erosion, moving water, ice waves. Denudation is the result of two main processes, Endogenous and exogenous