full detail of percentage in math
The word "percentage" means "per 100", so if you see a percent that is below 100, such as 15%, it means "15 per 100". It can be written as a fraction like "15/100" and a decimal as "0.15". When writing percentages as decimals, you want to remember that the places in decimals are that the number before the decimal, the whole number, is the ones place. Then anything left to the ones place are the tens, hundreds, thousands, and so on. Anything right to the decimal goes by tenths, hundredths, and so on. When percentages are written as decimals, it depends on the percent. If you are converting 5%, the number is 0.05. If you are converting 15%, the number is 0.15. If you are converting any number with a hundreds place, ex: 215, the hundred moves to the ones place, for a decimal of 2.15.
Step-by-step explanation:
When converting percents to decimals:
The ones go in the hundredths place at all times. This is 2 spots right from the decimal. Ex, 0.01
The tens go in the tenths place at all times. This is 1 spot right from the decimal. Ex, 0.1
The hundreds go in the ones place at all times. This is 1 spot left from the decimal. Ex, 1.0
The thousands go in the tens place at all times. This is 2 spots left from the decimal. Ex, 10.0
And so on. Hope this helps!