Sociology, asked by rishab80, 1 year ago

full form of OK?????​

pragya963: objection killed


Answered by GopikaNokhwal

approval, acceptance, assent, or acknowledgment. OK is most likely short for “Oll Korrect,” a jokey misspelling of “All Correct” that needs a little historical context to make sense.

rishab80: thanks
rishab80: meri pyari frnd
rishab80: ☺️☺️☺️
GopikaNokhwal: most welcome rishab☺️
monanik05: And it is wrotten on back of trucks because a few decades ago OK on trucks meant ON KEROSENE
monanik05: written*
Answered by aqibkincsem


Okay (OK) is a colloquial English type of word denoting approval, agreeing, acceptance, assent, or acknowledgment? OK the word is most likely shortened for “Oll Korrect,” it’s a jokey misspelling of “All Correct” that needs a little historical meaning or a sense to make an appropriate spelling. Ok is generally used in every short aspect of telling positive response. It is the terminology meant for positive feedback.


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