full form of PU, CU, ALU, MU, HD
A computer is a device that can be directed to carry out a series of calculation or rational processes automatically via network programming. Advanced computers have the capacity to observe generalized positions of methods, called programs. A computer is made of a number of processors and other technical devices and given are some of the abbreviations of these devices. The following are the full forms of PU, CU, ALU, and HD:
PU- physical unit
CU – Control Unit
ALU– Arithmetic Logical Unit
MU- Memory Unit
HD- High Drive
An abbreviated is a word or phrase that has been shortened in some way. It can be made up of a set of letters or characters taken from the full version of the string of words; for example, the term abbreviation can be represented by the abbreviation.; NPO, which stands for nil (or nothing) per (by) os (mouth), is a medical abbreviation. It could also be fully made up of initials, a mix of initials and words, or words or letters that depend on communication from another language. Abbreviations (some pronounceable, some actual word) and grammar contractions or crasis are examples of abbreviations.
Full form of PU, CU, ALU, MU, HD
find the abbrevations of given words
Always write out the initial in-text allusion to an acronym in capital letters, followed by the term itself in parentheses. The capital letters alone can be used to refer to the acronym in the future. Consider the following scenario: Gis Software (GIS) is a field that is quickly growing. Acronyms are abbreviations made by combining the first three letters to form a comprehensible word. Compressions are also abbreviations produced by omitting letters or digits with an apostrophe.
- PU: Physical Unit
- CU: Control Unit
- ALU: Arithematic Logic Unit
- MU: Memory Unit
- HD: Hard disk Drive