Full stops, commas and
capital letters practice
Read the passage below aloud to your all or to an adult
Can you read our ading a breath? How many times
did you have to stop and breathe?
Now road again, thinking
about where the full stopa for a
Jong pause) and the commas (for
a short pausa) should be. Can
you add them is Don't forget
to use capital letters after
mum is trying to make me healthy packed lunches
now that my school has banned us from having crisp
and chocolate in our lunch boxes today she made me
chicken and salad sandwiches whichi ke so I was
pleased that is good she said she also included an
apple a banana a pot of yoghurt and a homemade
raisin lapjack sometimes I have a tub of pasta salad
Instead of sandwiches my favourite is tuna and
sweeteor i also le pitta bread with plenty of crunchy
salad i miss having crisps a bit but now it is healthier
for me not to eat them too often
Answered by
Mum is trying to make me healthy packed lunches,
now that my school has banned us from having crisp
and chocolate in our lunch boxes today she made me
chicken and salad sandwiches whichi ke so I was
pleased that is good. she said she also included an
apple, a banana ,a pot of yoghurt and a homemade
raisin lapjack .Sometimes I have a tub of pasta salad.
Instead of sandwiches my favourite is tuna and
sweeteor i also le pitta bread with plenty of crunchy
salad. I miss having crisps a bit but now it is healthier
for me not to eat them too often.
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