Full summary of
"The Bully" by
the poem
Wok. Holmes.
answer :
The Bully Book is a how-to manual for kids that want to become a bully. The chapters alternate between a mysterious manuscript of this manual and the journal entries of a kid named Eric Haskins, who is the target of bullying in his school. Eric is called 'Grunt' because he has been designated the outcast of his school.
When school begins, everyone is harassing Eric. He is determined to identify the person responsible for all the negative talk floating around school. He is a very perceptive child, and he soon discovers The Bully Book, an instruction manual for bullies. Wanting to know who authored this text, Eric begins to investigate.
Before he ascertains the identity of the author, he learns a lot of important lessons about himself and his friends. For instance, he learns how to control his emotions. He also learns that it is okay to have flaws because no one is perfect. Eric further realizes that, despite his flaws, he is not deserving of the mistreatment his is receiving. He begins to reject his designation as 'the Grunt', and begins to appreciate his strengths and talents.