full symptoms of disease gonnerreh
Symptoms include:
discharge from the vagina (watery, creamy, or slightly green)
pain or burning sensation while urinating.
the need to urinate more frequently.
heavier periods or spotting.
sore throat.
pain upon engaging in sexual intercourse.
sharp pain in the lower abdomen.
Symptoms include:
Painful urination and abnormal discharge from the penis or vagina.
Men may experience testicular pain and women may experience pain in the lower stomach.
"In some cases, gonorrhoea has no symptoms.
Can have no symptoms:
But people may experience:
- Pain areas: in the lower abdomen, pelvis, testicle, or vagina
Pain circumstances: can occur during sexual intercourse or during urination
Groin: abnormal vaginal discharge, discharge from penis, or increased vaginal discharge
Also common: fever, frequent urge to urinate, irregular menstruation, pus, or sore throat