Music, asked by ambekarpriya525, 1 month ago

function. Labels can be
where inside the function block. The following example shows use of coto keyword in a menu drivers
The goce keyword is used to take control to some label statement in the
printf("\nl. Add\n2. Subtract\n3.Multiply\n Enter choice
return keyword is used in context
Program 3.10: goto statement
#inelude <stdio.h>
int main()
do while loop
Before learning syntact
four important parts
Body : Every loop has a boc
Initialization : some variab
Test condition : Till this con
be stopped and execution
Modification : During muls
while loop
The situation where lo
working and syntax of whi
Boat numl, num2, result:
int choice:
START: This is Label "START" /
printf("Enter two numbers : ");
scanf("****". Anumi, &num2),
scanf("%d", &choice);
switch (choice
While (condition)
result = numl + num2,
printf(" Add : Sf\n", result);
case 2:
result = numl - num2;
printf ("Subtract: Sf\n", result);
case 3:
result = numl * num2;
printf(" Multiply : $f\n", result);
printf ("Invalid choice\n");
printf("\n0. Exit\nl. Repeat\n Enter choice:");
scanf("d", &choice):
if (choice!=0)
goto START; /*now control will jump to label and/
/*continue execution after that* /
return 0;
Typically, execution
true, body will be execu
process is repeated. WH
that initialization statem
The following prog​


Answered by guptava
What is this hell????.
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