function of bile juice
Answer: 1) Bile (bile salts) present in bile are required for emulsification of fats for the purpose of their digestion.
2) Bile (bile salts) is required for intestinal absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E & K), digested lipids/fats, cholesterol, etc.
3) Bile salts activate bile salt-activated lipase.
4) Bile serves as a vehicle for excretion of bile pigments, many drugs (lipid-soluble) like doxycycline, steroid hormones, cholesterol, vitamin D, alkaline phosphatase, etc.
5) Bile has also role in excretion of many heavy metals like copper, mercury, zinc, etc.
Since, bile increases the absorption of fats it helps in the digestion of fat soluble substances such as vitamin A , D, K and E. Besides its digestive function bile also serves as the route of excretion for bilirubin, a bioproduct of red blood cells recycled by liver.