function of iris,retina,eyelid,cornea of human eye?
Iris:- Controls amount of light entering the eye.
retina:- sends an image of what you seen to your brain.
eyelid:- it is a thin layer of skin that covers and protect your eye.
Cornea:- permits the light to enter the eye.
hope it will help you mate........❤❤
hii mate here is your answer.....
function of the following parts of the human eye are:-
iris:- iris is a part of part of human eye which control the size of pupil it is colourful diaphragm
retina:- it is a transparent membrane just below the chiroid and the film of optic nerve
The mid point of ratina where image is very clear is black spot it is made up of light sensitive cells which are of 2 types
rod shaped cells :- it detect intensity of sunlight
cone shaped cells :- it detect colour of sunlight
cornea:- the front part of human eye is called as cornea where the light enters in the eye
Maximum refraction of entering light is called cornea it is transparent