Function of permanent tissue
Main Function of permanent tissue:-
◽To provide flexibility to the plants as well as mechanical support.
◽They are actually the soft tissues.
◽Permanent plant tissues are found in mature plants
⚫There are two types of permamnent tissues:
✔Simple permanent tissue
✔Complex Permanent tissue
Parenchyma is a flexible tissue that makes up the most parts of the plant, including the photosynthetic leaves.
◾Generally, parenchyma cells become alive after gaining maturity.
◾They function in the storage, takes placein photosynthesis process, and forms the basis ground for this process and the vascular tissues too.
◾Its another type is Sclerenchyma:
◽They are actually the cells which are dead.
Its main function is to provide flexibility to the plants as well as mechanical support. Sclerenchyma – The cells of the sclerenchyma tissue are dead. The cell wall is very thick due to the deposition of lignin. The cells of this tissue can be in different shapes and sizes.................