future uses of wheat bank in karnal
Sub Project: Management of wheat and barley genetic resources for utilization in crop improvement
Genesis and rationale of the project:
The success of crop breeding programs depends on the nature and amount of genetic variability available in germplasm, which serve as most natural reservoir in providing needed attributes for engineering future varieties. It is generally achieved by churning our gene pool and selecting the desired phenotype/genotype for improvement of crop. Therefore, the evaluation of available germplasm for assessing their genetic variability has become important. The germplasm presently conserved at IIWBR has been characterized morphologically but there is need to evaluate them for agronomically important traits. Therefore, it is proposed that these are evaluated for biotic stress and quality traits. This project caters to the above needs and is devised keeping in view following objectives:
I. Augmentation of wheat and barley germplasm through introduction and selection from various national and international nurseries
II. To undertake characterization and preliminary evaluation of the wheat and barley germplasm
III. To regenerate wheat and barley accessions for maintain the viability of conserved accessions
IV. Developing database on germplasm accessions on uniform descriptors being maintained as active collections
V. To develop core and reference sets of germplasm collections
Major achievements of the program
The total number of wheat accessions conserved in genebank has increased from 10000 to
The number of AVT entries conserved in genebak has increased from 527 to 575.
Seed of 476 released varieties (340 in bread wheat, 52 in durum, 5 in triticale, six in dicoccum and 73 varieties of common knowledge) are being conserved in MTS. There is an increase of 103 varieties during last five years.
A total of 2735 more accession were added to repository maintained at Regional station DalangMaidan (Under Natural Condition) making a total of 9985 safety duplicate accessions of wheat.
The total number of barley accessions conserved in genebank has increased f