English, asked by kumarnaresh07557, 3 months ago

G) Fill in the blanks with the non-finite form of the words out of the given options in brackets :
1. Children do not like
(go/going having gone/to go) to the dentist.
2 I hate
(borrow/to borrow/borrowing/borrowed) money,
3. Would you mind
(write/to write/writing/written) your address here?
4. Stop
(argue/arguing to argue argued) and start
(think to think/thinking/having
5. He is thinking of
(make/making to make/made) his will.
6. Is there anything here worth
(buy/buving to buy/bought)?
7. It is no use
(cry/crying to cry/cried) over spilt milk.
8. She is looking forward to
(read/reading to read/having read) your article.​


Answered by shwetajasiwar


1. going

2. borrowing

3. writing

4.arguing, thinking

5. making

6. buying

7. crying

8. read

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