English, asked by subhasislenka044, 3 months ago

(g) It was so hot to drink at once.correct the grammatical mistakes​


Answered by shraddhamishra146


we have to find the grammatical mistakes

Answered by stalwartajk


The corrected sentence would be: "It was too hot to drink at once."


The original sentence contains a grammatical error in the use of the word "so." "So" is used to indicate an extreme degree, but it requires a comparison to another thing or degree. In this case, there is no comparison, so "so" is incorrect.

The correct word to use in this context is "too," which means "to a higher degree than is desirable or possible." It indicates that the temperature was too high to drink at once.

Grammatically, "too" is an adverb that modifies the adjective "hot," indicating that the temperature is higher than desirable for drinking. The phrase "to drink at once" is an infinitive phrase, functioning as an adverb, and it modifies the verb "hot" by indicating the purpose for which the heat is being evaluated.

Overall, the corrected sentence, "It was too hot to drink at once," conveys that the temperature of the drink was too high to consume all at once.

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