G. Very short-answer questions
1. Name the structural and functional unit of the
excretory system.
2. Which instrument is commonly used to measure
heartbeats by doctors?
3. What constitutes the transportation system in
4. Which process helps the roots of plants to
absorb water and minerals?
5. What is the main nitrogenous waste of humans?
6. What is the nitrogenous waste in amphibian
larvae and what is it in the adult animal?
Hope it is helpful for you
1) Nephron is the structural and functional unit of the excretory system.
2) Beam balance is commonly used to measure the mass of a body. When we hold up the balance, we observe that if there is nothing on either pan, the beam is horizontal.
3) Plants have two transport systems - xylem and phloem . Xylem transports water and minerals. Phloem transports sugars and amino acids dissolved in water.
4) Osmosis, diffusion, and active transport are the three processes by which plants can absorb water and other minerals of the soil. Explanation: Osmosis: In this process, the cell wall and the cell fluid act as permeable membranes and semi-permeable membranes.
5) Mammals, including humans, are the primary producers of urea. Because they secrete urea as the primary nitrogenous waste product, they are called ureotelic animals
6) Aquatic animals such as crustaceans bony fish and amphibian larvae are generally ammonotellic because ammonia diffuses more easily through membranes and is more water soluble than the other types of nitrogenous waste. Ammonia is still the nitrogenous waste most economical to synthesize in terms of energy