Hindi, asked by annu27082006, 10 months ago

'गंगाजल' का निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा समास एवं समास विग्रह सही है ?
बहुब्रीहि समास गंगा का जल है जिसमें

कर्मधारय समास जल के समान गंगा

तत्पुरुष समास गंगा का जल

इनमें से कोई नहीं


Answered by as7640733gmailcom


The word formed from the rules of compound is called composite. It is also called Samastapada. After compounding, the signs of the divisions disappear. Like - Rajputra.

Compound deity

Explaining the relationship between composite words is called samas-devigra. After the deity, composite words are omitted like - Raj + Son - Son of Raja.

Pre and post

There are two terms (words) in a compound. The first term is called Purvapada and the second term is Uttarpada.

Such as Ganga water. Ganga + water, in which Ganga is the former term, and water is the north term.

It has Ganga east and water north.

In Sanskrit , samasas are used a lot. Other Indian languages also have compound usage. A phrase in Sanskrit about Samas is famous:

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