CBSE BOARD X, asked by tajinderk94229, 10 months ago

ग्रामीण स्थानीय सरकार भी एक दूसरे के सहयोग से कार्य करते हैं। इसमें कौन-कौन सी संस्थायें शामिल हैं​


Answered by bibekghosh112


There are three organs of government- legislature, executive and judiciary. The legislature enacts the laws, the executive implements them and the judiciary is tasked with the job of ensuring that the laws are maintained. The judiciary interprets the laws made by the legislature, safeguards them and punishes the law breakers. India has one integrated centralized judicial system for both the centre and states. The Supreme Court stands at the apex of the judiciary with the high courts below it supervising over lower courts. The courts of law are presided over by the judges who settle disputes concerning individuals, organization and governments.

The Judicial structure of India is being divided in the following way :-

1} Supreme Court.

2}High Courts.

3}Lok Adalats and District Courts.

4} Revenue Courts.

5} Village Panchayats.

If you found my following answer convinient, then Mark me Brainliest!

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