Math, asked by reddymanisha3300, 11 months ago

ग्रुप मधील कितीजण हुशार आहेत पाहु. हे कोडी सोडवा १.हिरवी पेटी काट्यात पडली, उघडून पाहिली तर मोत्याने भरली उत्तर- २.तीनजण वाढायला बाराजण जेवायला. उत्तर- ३.सगळे गेले रानात, अन् झिपरी पोरगी घरात. उत्तर- ४.असा कोणता "तारा" आहे जो जमिनीवर रहातो आणि काही दिवसात. आकाशात जातो ? उत्तर- ५.आजीबाईच्या शेतात एका सुपात बारा कणसं त्याचे तीस-एकतीस दाणे अर्धे काळे अर्धे पांढरे, असे हे जीवनगाणे ओळखा कोण ? उत्तर-


Answered by nikhileshan18





5) वर्ष

Answered by MVB

The English version is :----

Look at the group's how smart they are.

Solve this puzzle

1.The big box was in the thorn,

Open the pearl and see if the pearl is full

Answer:  OKRA or LADYFINGER, which has white seeds inside thorned skin

2. Twelve people to eat three quarters

Answer:  CLOCK, which has 12 numbers that denote time and 3 hands that denote hours, minutes and seconds.

3. In the past,

And in the zippy cottage house.

Answer:  BROOM

4. What is the "star" which remains on the ground?

And in a few days Go to the sky?

Answer: LIFE, when alive a person remains on round and post-death it turns into a star.

5. In the fields of Azadi

One swoosh

Its thirty-one-thirty grains

Half black half white,

Such life-styles

Answer:- YEAR, as it has 365 days

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