गंदगी को हमारे तक पहुँचाने वाला कीट कौन-सा है?
भारत स्वच्छता मिशन SBMG संबंध रखता है
(अ) नगरों से
(ब) कस्बों से
(स) गांवों से
(द) किसी से नहींacid rain slowly erodes the cement limestone and marble off building and karod steel and other metals
It destroys vegetation due to acidification of soil and accelerates leaching.
It acidifies the water of lakes and ponds and affect the survival of aquatic plants and animalsDiscuss the 8 bipolar dimensions according to carl jung's theory of psychological types.Forgetting or disremembering is the apparent loss or modification of information .... Cue- dependent forgetting is one of five cognitive psychology theories of forgetting. This theory stateRest of the four functions (Sensing, iNtuition, Thinking, and Feeling) combine with two attitudes (Extraversion and Introversion) to formeight mental Functions-in-Attitude. These eight mental functions were called his Eight Types by Jung.