गिव फाइव फंक्शन ऑफ स्केलेटल सिस्टम
The skeletal system is divided into two parts: the axial skeleton and appendicular skeleton. The axial skeleton includes the skull, spinal column, ribs and sternum. The appendicular skeleton includes all upper and lower extremities, the shoulder girdle and the pelvic girdle. Bones in the human body come in four main shapes, long, short, flat and irregular and are composed of webs of collagen fibers reinforced with calcium and phosphorous.
The collagen provides flexibility while the minerals provide tensile strength. There are 5 functions of the skeletal system in the body, three of which are external and visible to the naked eye, and two of which are internal. The external functions are: structure, movement and protection. The internal functions are: blood cell production and storage.
1. Structure
Doctors studying human skeleton
Like the steel framework of a building, the functions of the skeleton and the bones is to provide rigidity, which gives the body shape and supports the weight of the muscles and organs. Without this structure, the body would collapse in on itself, compressing the lungs, heart and other organs--impairing their function.
Some creatures do not have internal skeletons and instead they have external shells (or exoskeletons) with muscle attachments on the interior. The rigid structure of the skeletal system also allows it to perform another one of the 5 functions of the skeletal system: movement.
2. Movement
Man flexing bicep
There are three major systems involved in the mechanics of movement:
Nervous system
Muscular system
Skeletal system
The nervous system sends the electrical impulses that activate the muscles, the skeletal system provides the levers and anchors for the muscles to pull against. All skeletal muscles have an origin and insertion point.
The origin is the anchor, the bone that remains immobile while the muscle works. The insertion is the bone that moves as the muscle works, which is one of the main functions of the ske Interestingly, the amount of power the muscle needs is directly related to the length of the bone (or lever) and where it is attached.
This means that shorter people actually use less power to move than taller people because they have shorter bones, and the point of attachment is closer to the point of origin.
3. Protection
Mother holding newborn baby
Arguably the most important of the 5 functions of the skeletal system is protection. The most obvious example of the functions of the skeleton's protective properties is the human skull. The vertebrae and ribs also have protective functions by encasing delicate structures like the spinal cord, heart and lungs. The rib cage not only surrounds the organs of respiration, but it’s also very flexible and is constructed to expand and contract with each breath.
1)it helps to stand upright body.
2)it helps to move.
3)it protect our internal body parts.
4)maintain body shape.