गिव थ्री प्वाइंट्स एक्सप्लेनिंग द इकोनॉमिक इंपॉर्टेंस ऑफ ब्रायोफाइट्स
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Formation of Peat:
Peat is a brown or dark colour substance formed by the gradual compression and carbonization of the partially decomposed pieces of dead vegetative matter in the bogs. Sphagnum is an aquatic moss. While growing in water it secretes certain acids in the water body.
As Packing Material:
Dried mosses and Bryophytes have great ability to hold water. Due to this ability the Bryophytes are used as packing material for shipment of cut flowers, vegetables, perishable fruits, bulbs, tubers etc.
As Bedding Stock:
Because of great ability of holding and absorbing water, in nurseries beds are covered with thalli of Bryophytes.
In Medicines:
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