India Languages, asked by mailmallika, 1 month ago

गङ्गा कस्मात् प्रवहति?
गङ्गा हिमालयात् प्रवहति ।
पात्रात् जलं सवति।
आचार्यात् ज्ञानं विन्दामः ।
अन्नात् भूतानि भवन्ति।
बालक: विद्यालयात् आगच्छति।
बीजात् अङ्करः रोहति।
पथिका: ग्रामात् नगरं गच्छन्ति।
कृषका: क्षेत्रात् धान्यं आनयन्ति।
वृक्षात् पत्राणि पतन्ति।

please translate to English​


Answered by nishaaaaaaaa


From where does Ganga flow?

Ganga flows from Himalaya.

Leaf provides water.

From teacher the knowledge comes.

Student comes from school.

From seeds worms climb.

The paths go from village to city.

From field farmers become rich.

Leaves fall from trees.

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