Gandhi exemplified the qualities of a good leader. Justify your answer in reference to the story indigo
Mahatma Gandhi was a very empowering and visionary leader.Mahatma was an empowering leader no only because he empowerd all indians on a salt march to corrupt the British economic system. since he was pioneer of satyagraha,he also inspired all indians to understand band learn risistence through nonviolent civil disobedience.
A good leader has a mass appeal. He rises from the masses, thinks for them and works for them. He is sincere in his approach. He is a man of principles. Truth, honesty, patriotism, morality, spirit of service and sacrifice are the hallmarks of a good leader. He never mixes politics with religion or sect. He believes in working for the welfare of the nation and does not think in the narrow terms of class, caste or region. Corruption and nepotism are two evils that surround a leader in power. The life of a good leader is an open book. There is no difference between his words and actions. Such good leaders are very rare. What we find today are practical politicians, who think of achieving their end without bothering about . the purity of means. The law of expediency gets the better of morality.