English, asked by prasikakhawas, 2 months ago

Gandhi's overall social and environmental philosophy is based
on what human beings need rather than what they want. His
early introduction to the teachings of Jains,Theosophists
Christian sermons, Ruskin and Tolstoy, and most significantly
the Bhagavad Gita, were to have profound impact on the development of Gandhi's holistic thinking on humanity
nature and their ecological interrelation. His deep concern for
the disadvantaged, the poor and rural population created an
ambience for an alternative social thinking that was at once far-
sighted, local and immediate. For Gandhi was acutely aware that
the demands generated by the need to feed and sustain human
life, compounded by the growing industrialization of India, far
outstripped the finite resources of nature. This might nowadays
appear naive or commonplace, but such pronouncements were
as rarc as they were heretical a century ago. Gandhi was also
concerned about the destruction, under colonial und modernist
designs, of the existing infrastructures which had more potential
for keeping a community flourishing within ecologically-
sensitive traditional patterns of subsistence, especially in the
rural areas, than did the incoming Westem altematives based
on nature-blind technology and the enslavement of human spirit
and energies
Perhaps the moral principle for which Gandhi is best known
is that of active non-violence, derived from the traditional
moral restrains of not injuring another being. The most refined
expression of this value is in the great epic of the Mahabharata,
(c. 100 BCE to 200 CE), where moral development proceeds
through placing construints on the liberties, desires and
acquisitiveness endemic to human life. One's action is judged
les consequences and the impact it is likely to have
on anetos. Jaina had gezeralized this principle to include all
Sentient creatures and biocommunities alike. Advanced Jaina
monks and muns will swap the path to avoid haming lasects
and even bacteria. Non-inny is a non-negotiable universal
write into summery


Answered by khushichaudhary79833


happy to hear that you are doing well and that you have a great day and I will be there at on the border of class

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