Gandhiji and his thought on food, nutrition and cleanliness
Gandhiji was great leader of his times and still he has influenced on people because of his good words. He followed Healthy, balanced and diverse diets, with less fat, salt and sugar.
Safe food with an aim of food hygiene, sanitation
Fortified food to elaborate serious micronutrient deficiencies
No food waste
Mahatma Gandhi had said that there was a lot of cleanliness from political freedom.
If a person is not clean then he cannot be healthy.
The villages of India can be ideal with better cleanliness.
It is important to keep the toilet clean like your drawing room.
Everyone should clean their own garbage yourself.
Take cleanliness in your conduct in such a way that it will become your habit.
Gandhi ji had made vegetarian food an integral part of his life. Eating of well-adjusted diet is essential for nutrition. Mahatma Gandhi ji believed that taking the right diet to keep the body fit and healthy is very important. Mahatma Gandhi was a vegetarian. They regarded food cooked on fire without being the best. Gandhi ji used to drink lemon juice and honey in lukewarm water in the morning and evening. Gandhi ji used to drink 200 ml of milk daily. He used to 90 grams of almond pudding and 11 grams of whole grains daily. Almond prevents heart from diseases like diabetes and many diseases.
Gandhi ji used to eat 90 grams daily of green vegetables like cucumber, mustard vegetable, radish vegetable. Apart from this, Gandhi ji used to take honey in sweet place.