Gap between what we have and what we need is known as
greediness ⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️
I would say “Eliminate your desires! Be free of the ego!” differently — Just be grateful. Easier said than done, but it does work. Find a grateful partner. Every day text each other 4 or 5 things you are grateful for. You can also just have a grateful notebook where you write these things down for yourself but you may need the accountability a partner would bring. Here’s the catch, every day they have to be different things. If you are going through a difficult time or are feeling depressed, this may be a rather challenging assignment, but it’s worth putting some effort into doing this. You’ll be amazed how your perspective changes when you are looking for the good stuff. There’s difficulty, frustration and unhappiness all around us, but there is also beauty, thoughtfulness and love. Look for it and you will find it (I promise!). Incorporating a grateful practice has a way of making what we have … enough.