गरों के नाम बताइये जिनने नये समुद्री मार्गों को खोजने में यूरोपियों की मदद
Name two inventions which helped Europeans find new sea routes ?
प्रश्न-3 सामंतवाद क्या है?
What is feudalism?
प्रश्न-4 गौरवपूर्ण क्रांति से आप क्या समझते हैं ?
What do you understand by glorious revolution?
प्रश्न-5 सती प्रथा क्या है?
What is Sati-Pratha?
प्रश्न-6 असहयोग आंदोलन के दो कार्यक्रम लिखिए।
Write two programs for non-cooperation movement.
Answer1. Two inventions which helped Europeans to find route were
- direction of sunrise and sunset.
birds migration as per the situation.
Answer 3. Feudalism was a policy mainly practiced in European countries (France and Germany).
According to this system Landlord used to collect all the type of taxes related to land from the people's of third class but people's of 1st and 2nd class were not need to pay taxes.
Answer 4. The industrial revolution and rapid development of all countries rapidly is referred to as glorious revolution.
Answer 5. Sari paths was a myth which was practiced mainly by the indians.
According to this system if women's husband dies due to any reason she was burnt alive with his husband's burning body. This was very cruel system for but now it is not followed.
Answer 6. Two programs which were followed and done by Indians against Britishers were
- Teachers and Lawyers resign from their job, so that govt. will take action on their work.
- All students left schools and farmers also denied to pay taxes and lagaan and to work under Britishers.
hope it helps...
my friend Kashif has answered it nicely see that