Geeta was working for Shanti Das and stayed at her DDA flats in Vasant Kunj,New Delhi. On June7 2017,she broke the locker in Das’s almirah and fled with jewellery and cash worth Rs 10 lakh. Das registered a complaint. Geeta’s cell phone was switched off. After further investigation, police obtained Geeta’s new number,which was registered in shyam’s name and he was picked up for questioning from his Badlapur residence. He confessed it was their regular thing for Geeta to secure employment and steal from the employer, after which they would sell the stolen goods. Shyam was questioned about Geetta’s current whereabouts and he led to another employer’s residence in Lokhandwala,where she had been working for ten days. She was arrested from there. Geeta and Shyam have two similar cases registered against them with NRI police station in Navi Mumbai. After stealing from Das’s house, Geeta had fled to Gorakhpur and planned to go to Nepal to lie low, but returned to Mumbai as she ran out of money. Geeta and Shyam were remanded in police custody till July 26. Police have recovered 75 per cent of the stolen jewelry from Shyam’s house.
what are the evidences collected in this case?
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The fact that Shyam confessed that it was regular for Geeta to secure employment and rob them is the evidence.
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