English, asked by mahimagupta3110, 8 months ago

Gender inequality affects development rate of a country. As a student how can you contribute to change
the status of a girl child. (Reach for the top)
(80-100 words)


Answered by tejpartapsingh2539


To stop looking at female child as a burden to the family. When a father or mother says I have x number of daughters (and no son) please stop showing pity on them.

Do not curtail the freedom of girls rather discuss varoius threats from society and the ways to protect themselves from the misreants. Most parents do not openly discuss the physiological and psychological changes during teenage , instead curatils the movement (being suspicious of their tender age).

Please Stop thinking that a girl's destiny and dream is only about marriage or finding the right guy. Kindly accept that women also have dreams about her career and passion for something.

@ Relatives and neighbours - please YOU stop worrying about the marriage of your well-wisher's daughter.please leave them alone and you don't decide the 'right age' of her marriage.

Please stop idealising the unexistent puranic women characters(e.g savitri) and brainwash a girl that serving and caring men in her life as her ultimate pathway to attain moksha. Similarly Islam also puts lot of control on women. Please understand the circumstances under which khuran was written. Please be rational enough to adapt to the changing circumstances.

@guys: please broaden up your thought process about women. Please dont think that a girl gives consent for marriage only based on your property or your looks.there is much more they seek to understand in you about your hobbies, principles, ideals, perspective about other women, etc. The rejection for a marriage proposal is just not your property.

Please encourage the women leadeship.they are not snatching away your opportunity but only claiming their deserved share.

Please stop blaming the victim where she has no role in the crime and please stop associating the family's honour with chastity of women.

Encourage women to work and be financially independent. Let her take decisions concerning her. I'm not saying that others should not have any role but at least she should have a say.

I think this list goes on as I continue to suggest. In short, what i want to see is the attitudinal change in a deeply embedded patriarchal society.

Dear Friend,

The step must be taken by women only to change their condition. In order to be free the revolution must arise from women only.

Read this article named - “WOMAN, GET OUT OF THE NEST, HIT THE ROAD!” and it will leave you half-mouth open, astonished and completely blown. Further it will answer your question also.

Article starts…


What does it mean to be a woman?

A lot that is hurtful.

Why must one keep bearing the hurt?

One bears the hurt because one is drawing certain comforts. The hurt is deep and lasting, the comforts are cheap. The comforts, lik

Legislation does help a lot. Yet, it cannot achieve much without social change.

So, where do we begin ?

At home:

All the women, who are mothers, and all the men, who are fathers and willing to bring a positive change in the society,

Please treat your children, boys and girls alike.

Tell them that boys and girls are equal, they must be respected alike.

Teach them to respect emotions.

Tell them boys are not superior and the girls are not inferior.

Take their help in household activities. Kitchen is not a girl’s lab. Let your boys too enter. Send your girls too for buying stationery and other petty shopping.

For Boys:

If all mothers can make their sons understand that boys and girls are equal, boys can do some household activities, cooking etc., it will help them in respecting women and girls in the society and treat their wives in the future with respect and equality.

For Girls

Mothers should treat their daughters equally at home, in terms of food, education, domestic help and rest. They must stand as an example.

Teach them to be strong. Make them aware of the problems, the girls face.

Teach them how to act and react in certain unwanted circumstances.

Teach them some self defense techniques like Karate.

Teach your girls to ride the bicycle and two wheeler.

Allow girls to do jobs and earn self respect. (Of course I am not undermining the role of housewives here)

More than anything, be friendly with them, so that they can share their problems with you.

***However, I am not placing the onus only on the mothers. Fathers too can play a role.

But I insist that women should personally take interest in improving the conditions of the future women in India

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