Gender roles are changing at work and home in today's times. Men and women alike are
challenging traditional gender roles and expecting to share in paid work as well as tending the household and children. Write an article in about 100-150 words for your school magazine on the changing gender roles in India.
we all have seen kareena kapoors "ki and ka" and i think it beautifully showed about the changing gender roles in India. It showed that the women can go out and work and be independent whereas guys or men can stay at home and cook in the kitchen and take care of home. and it wont make em less of a man or a woman. its totally alright.
The changes and flexibility in gender roles which are being evident today has its roots in the changing social structure. Economic factors, advancement in sciences and changed value system have contributed to a preference for nuclear family thus doing away with the concept of joint family. Consequently the ambit of economic and household responsibilities has changed.
Earlier in the joint family system there was a clear-cut division of responsibilities or duties with women looking after the domestic matters and the men taking charge of out of home and financial matters. Today the nuclear set-up allows for no such demarcation the man is no longer the sole bread-winner and woman no longer a mere caretaker of the house. This is also due to the economic compulsions. With the financial security provided by joint family system no longer available and cost of living ever increasing there is a need for an extra earning member to supplement the income of the family. The women are thus forced to earn as well to meet the cost of domestic demands. In the initial stages of this phase the women were not offered any help in domestic affairs and she performed both the supplementary role of an earning member and her natural role of a housewife. Gradually the attitude of men is changing to a certain extent that men adopted the woman’s role at least when compulsion to do so arose.
While the acceptance of man’s gender role has been willingly taken up by women, the same does not always hold true for men. The present scenario is still that while a girl is groomed to become an efficient career woman as well as an efficient house maker, men are expected to excel mainly in professional fields.
The situation is that while any effort from men to undertake a domestic job is welcomed and assisted by their counterparts, any such effort by women in the professional field is still seen as a threat to male supremacy. Hence men do not have to struggle hard to prove their worth, women most of the time has to work harder to prove not just that they are efficient but that they can work much harder and deliver the results.
Lately the domain of feminity has expanded to include the social and professional fields, traditional notions about gender roles are undergoing transformation that has been mainly because of education. An open and educated society is paving the way for role-swapping which seems to be gaining ground in the highly demanding developmental social structure. Domestic life has become almost unthinkable without flexibility in gender roles. While men are beginning to shed their inhibitions about working in the kitchen women are already working late hours. The changing trends are reflected in men and women taking up unconventional work such as pilots and astronauts while men are honing their skills as chefs and fashion designers.