English, asked by hennakausar92, 4 months ago

general discrimination a challenge to social justice essay​


Answered by stotrabashamspandana



All human beings are born free both in dignity and in rights, so why is it that individuals who go on to develop and experience mental illness are seen as a soft target for discrimination at a number of levels and in various domains in their daily lives? This discrimination is damaging, derogatory, and demeaning, thereby making individuals with mental illness second class citizens. By association, such discrimination also has an impact on people who look after individuals with mental illness (whether they are professional or lay carers).

World Psychiatric Association (WPA) in its 2014–2017 Action Plan, decided to look at public mental health agenda along with discrimination against people with mental illness. WPA represents over 250 000 psychiatrists from 117 countries around the globe, and is therefore interested and committed to challenging discrimination. It commissioned the Centre for Mental Health Law to conduct a survey of as many countries as possible, studying their laws for discrimination in areas of employment, voting rights, funding, and other potential aspects of individual functioning.

As has been shown in the case of racism (UNESCO, 1967), all human beings belong to the same species and descend from the same stock. Thus, no illness—be it mental or physical, acute or chronic—should lead to discrimination of any kind whatsoever. Social discrimination against people with mental illness is a global issue and it covers a range of spheres which influence daily living and daily functioning. Social discrimination appears to be lodged in the system and, therefore, can be pervasive and intrusive, and stop people from reaching their full potential and, more importantly, labelling them changes their identities. Micro-identities related to race, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, and other components all get trumped by the label of being mentally ill.

Social discrimination is defined as sustained inequality between individuals on the basis of illness, disability, religion, sexual orientation, or any other measures of diversity.

Answered by jadhavagastya11

Essay on Gender Discrimination a challenge to social justice:  

Discrimination of people on the basis of their gender is called as gender discrimination. Although most of the victims of gender discrimination are women and the members of LGBTO+ community especially the Transgender people, but there are some cases where men are also the victims of gender discrimination. Our society has developed as a patriarchal society and that’s why all the rules are made according to the men and that too to empower them on the cost of women and other communities. The most basic example of gender discrimination is the strict moral code for women but not for the men, where women are expected to do the domestic work as her duty without the help of their husband. Even in work women are paid low for doing the same job as men. Men who enjoys cooking, dancing, and who are emotional are looked down as feminine, this also is an example of gender discrimination. The Transgender people could not get work in respectable places even if they are qualified because of gender discrimination. So, gender discrimination is a challenge to the society and social justice but a change is coming, although it is too slow but steadily it can be seen, and hopefully it continues to bring change in our society.

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