evergreen tb
class 8th

Your local government has first-hand knowledge of your community's social, economic, infrastructure, and environmental needs, helping them to provide support in a disaster.
The role of local government under the Disaster Management Act 2003 is to:
have a disaster response capability
approve a local disaster management plan
ensure local disaster information is promptly given to the District Disaster Coordinator.
Local disaster management groups
Local governments appoint local disaster management groups.
Their role is to:
develop, review and assess effective disaster management practices
help local government to prepare a local disaster management plan
ensure the community knows how to respond in a disaster
identify and coordinate disaster resources
manage local disaster operations
ensure local disaster management and disaster operations integrate with state disaster management.
may it helps you
Government's role in disaster management is to provide a central, coordinated plan of action to address the damage caused by such an event as well as the needs of the people affected.
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