Geography REDUCED syllabus isc 2021
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Climatic Regions: Equatorial, Monsoon, trade
wind littoral, Dry tropical (desert),
Candidates will be required to undertake the following
Practical work and Project work:
1. Practical Work
Any one of the following four topics to be
(a) Surveying - elementary principles; preparing
plans of the school compound or a small area
with the help of chain and tape.
(b) Statistical diagrams - line graphs (simple and
multiple), composite bars, pie diagram, flow
and star diagram, (the data used will be that
used in Paper I ).
(c) Map projections – uses, construction and
properties of the following:
(i) Cylindrical equal area.
(ii) Simple conical with one standard parallel.
(iii)Zenithal equidistant.
(d) Aerial photographs – Introduction; definition;
difference between map and an aerial
photographs; uses of aerial photographs,
advantages of aerial photography.
Types of Aerial Photographs:
(i) Based on the position of the cameral axis
– vertical photographs, low oblique, high
oblique (only definition and explanation).
(ii) Based on Scale – (a) Large scale
photographs (b) Small scale photographs.
Scale of Aerial Photograph – (a) by
establishing of relationship between photo
distance and ground distance; (b) by
establishing relationship between photo
distance and map distance.
2. Project Work (Assignment)
Fieldwork to understand any physical phenomena in
the local or selected area to illustrate the physical
processes (One topic as an assignment. Sketches and
drawings will be given credit).
(i) Take any physical feature in your immediate
(a) draw sketches or take photograhs to highlight
physical features.
(b) survey how these features have been used and
prepare a report.
(c) suggest ways by which the area of study could
be better used keeping in view the needs of
the people of the region.
(ii) Choose any island area of the world or India and:
(a) trace the map of the area and show physical
features, towns and port cities.
(b) prepare a project report using photographs
and pictures from brochures and magazines to
- its origin and formation.
- soil types, vegetation.
- human occupations.
(iii)Any natural hazard like drought, flood, erosion,
landslides, etc. in a local area.
Choose a natural hazard in the local area.
Describe the nature of damage by consulting
newspaper reports, studies, interviews with local
people. Identify the nature of damage before and
after – land, building, public property, soil,
vegetation, animals, etc. What are the chances of
it occuring again and what precautions are being