Geoplitical relations of indis=a
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The emergence of China and more recently, India, has reshaped relations
and produced a broader area of economic integration in Asia. Even in
southern Asia, where the strategic triangle of China, India, and
Pakistan has resulted in flashpoints and suspicions, both India and
China have kept their sights on increasing trade and economic growth as a
security imperative for the long term. However, southern Asia's
security, political, and economic foundations face stresses that could
profoundly alter its evolution, usher in the return of geopolitics, and
reshape political and economic relations globally. This two-year
project, generously funded by the MacArthur Foundation, explored
potential flashpoints and promising areas for cooperation among China,
India, and Pakistan—and identified areas where the United States can
help. Liz Economy, Alyssa Ayres, and Dan Markey explored these issues in
a roundtable series and several publications. The project culminated in
a capstone symposium, Foreign Affairs article, and a Council report in 2016.
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