‘Gerrad outwitted the Intruder and came out as a clever person’. Do you agree with the statement ? Justify using examples from the lesson.
Gerrald gets rid of the intruder in the play by fooling him. Gerrard crafted a story tells the intruder that one of his men had been caught. He further added that the things which should have been burnt have been found.
Yes I agree
Gerrard tried to remain calm and got into the intruder's head before he did. he used his profession as an actor and acted as if he was a criminal himself. he showed the intruder his suitcase and said that he was also on the run. his suitcase had costumes. then he suggested that they should run away together. while heading towards the car in the garage Gerrard pushed the intruder in the cupboard and knocked out the gun from his hand. pointing the gun towards the cupboard he called the police.