English, asked by meghamegha16360, 1 month ago

gerund and infinite
1- Birthday are not easy dash . (remember)
2-Adam is really good at dash (swim)
3-She waited dash a candly bar.(buy)
4- the doctor told his paintients – health food (eat)
5- my house is easy dash( find )
6 she is is an interested in dash a dentist (become)
7. he is saving money – a new phone (buy)
8. when I saw my grander I could not help –( hug )
9. my favourite hobby is dash (walk )
10. my father helped me dash my homework (do )
11. I am sick of dash hot dog everyday (eat )
12. it is important dash the internet for more information
13. he advised me – a doctor has soon as possible ( see)
14. I do not feel like dash French today (study )
15. Paul Got Daragh dash his car (wash )
16. dash spot everyday is good for your health( do )
17. at least they decided dash the house (rent )
18. She prented dash asleep . (be)
19. Rene stopper – hello to his friends (say)
20. it's no use dash over spilt milk (cry )
21. the following questions are easy dash (answer )
22. FIR told us where – the book (find )
23. would you mind dash this card for me ( post )
24. they suggest dash by plane (travel )
25. it was hard for her dash
smoking (quit)
26. we were all happy about – the new year in Paris ( celebrated )
27. it seems difficult – everything about the topic( know )​


Answered by swastikachar59


1. to remember

2. swimming

3. to buy

4. to eat

5. to find

6. becoming

7. to buy

8. hugging

9. walking

10. to do

11. eating

12. to search

13. to see

14. studying

15. to wash

16. to do

17. to rent

18. to be

19. is saying

20. crying

21. to answer

22. to find

23. to post

24. to travel

25. to quit

26. the celebration

27. to know

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