'Getting education was not easy for women.' Discuss the statement in the context of
struggles waged by famous Indian women.
The problem of women’s education in India is one which attracts our attention immediately. In our country, due to conservative traditionalism, women’s status has, through ages, been considered to be lower than that of men. During the later part of the Vedic period the Aryans had sealed the fate of women culturally and socially by denying them the right to study Vedas and thus half of the population was deprived of one of the most fundamental human rights.
They were regarded as the bond slave to men for their economic dependence on them. Even today, in spite of the recognition of women’s status equal to that of men, the majority of them suffer in primitive ignorance as ever before. Illiteracy and ignorance is prevalent more in women folk than in men-folk and this evil is rampant specially in rural areas and backward communities.
The importance of women in matters of building the character of the citizens, economic reconstruction of the country and social reforms is being realized. Under the fast changing conditions in the country in the recent times increased attention is being paid to their education. Though different Commissions and (Committees appointed at times, suggested for the solution of the problems of women’s education and for its expansion, even then there are certain problems still persist in that field.
Getting education was no easy for women because there were many reasons to thus like-
*social- the society was not ready for their education as when they will read and write they will answer the society and its depriving conditions towards the women. they will have to face the people while going to shool to get education.
*family- sometimes their families were not also interested in providing them education because they think that they are burden on them. But many parents thought that their children are equal inspite of the fact whether they are male or female so they give them equal opportunities to get education.