घाव कितने प्रकार के होते हैं? घाव की मरहमपट्टी किस प्रकार करेंगे, लिखिए ?
hey mate here is your answer....
injuries are of many types:
Three types of injuries: acute, overuse and chronic
1. Acute injuries are typically the result of a single, traumatic event within the last five days. Common examples include wrist fractures, ankle sprains, shoulder strains/dislocations, and muscle strains.
2. A chronic condition is a human health condition or disease that is persistent or otherwise long-lasting in its effects or a disease that comes with time. The term chronic is often applied when the course of the disease lasts for more than three months.
3. A term used to describe damage and pain caused by repetitive movement and overuse.
Repetitive strain injury impacts muscles, nerves, ligaments and tendons. These types of injuries can be caused by improper technique or overuse. The elderly are most commonly affected.
Hope it will help you....
There are two types of wounds: Open wound and closed wound.
A wound can be defined as the injury which damages the epidermis layer of skin and can rupture the skin.
Wound is classified in two categories:
- Open wound: It is an injury that involves breakage of internal and external skin tissues. On the basis of causes it further classified in different types of wounds including Incisions (caused by sharp-edged object), Lacerations(caused by some blunt trauma), Abrasions (caused by sliding falls over rough surface), and Puncture wounds (caused by pointed objects such as nail or needle), Gunshot wound (caused by bullet) and Penetration wounds (caused by an object such as a knife ).
- Closed wound: It is an injury in which skin do not break thus the bleeding or tissue damage take place below the skin. It can be further classified into Hematomas (blood tumor) (caused by damage to a blood vessel) and Crush injury (caused by great force applied over a long period of time).
The wounds can be treated by following steps:
- Cleaning (wound toilet): At first wound is required to be clean using different solutions, including sterile saline solution and tap water.
- Closure: After cleaning and evaluating the wound's condition if physician allow closure will be done using bandages, staples, sutures and a cyanoacrylate glue.
- Dressing: Dressing is done only when there are chances of infection and not as a preventative. In this Antibiotic ointments are used to prevent infection.
Learn more about wound: