Gimme the detailed answer to the following questions:-
•Phenomenon behind twinkling of the star's
•Why planet's dun twinkle?
•Why do the sky appear dark instead of blue to an astronaut?
•Tyndall effect
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•The atmospheric refraction is responsible for twinkling of stars. As the light from the stars enters the earth’s atmosphere it suffers refraction and cause the twinkling.
• (1) Planets do not twinkle because:1. Planets are not a source of light. Instead, they reflect low intensity light reaching them.
(2) As the planets are closer, planets appear larger in comparison to the stars.
•The sky appears blue when the scattering of light takes place through the atmosphere.The blue color of the sky is due to scattering of light from the atmosphere.As there is no atmosphere in space and hence light does not scatter into its constituent colors that is why the sky appears dark instead of blue to an astronaut in space.
•The phenomenon of scattering of light by particles in a colloid or in a very fine suspension is called tyndall effect. The individual suspension particles scatter and reflect light, making the beam visible. ... As with Rayleigh scattering, blue light is scattered more strongly than red light by the Tyndall effect.
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please ma rk m y answer brain liest
- Phenomenon behind twinkling of the star's:
The twinkling of a star is due to atmospheric refraction of starlight. The starlight, on entering the earth's atmosphere undergoes refraction continuously before it reaches the earth. The atmospheric refraction occurs in a medium of gradually changing refractive index. Since,the atmosphere bend starlight towards the normal the apparent position of the star is slightly different from its actual position. Since,stars are very distant their approximate point size the sources of light. As path of rays of light coming from Star goes on wearing slightly the apparent position of star fluctuates and the amount of star light entering the eye flickers-the star sometimes appeared brighter and at some time fainter which is twinkling effect.
- Why planet's dun twinkle?
The planets are much closer to the earth and are seen as extended sources. If we considered a planet as a collection of large number of points sized sources of light the total variation in amount of light entering the eye from all the individual point size resources will average out 0,therby nullifying the twinkling effect..
- Why do the sky appear dark instead of blue to an astronaut?
The sky appears dark instead of blue to an astronaut because there are no particles in space that cannstatter the sunlight.
- Tyndall effect:
The phenomenon of scattering of light by collider particles is called tyndall effect. Tyndall effectcan be observed when sunlight passes through a canopy of dense forest. The colour of scattered light depends on size of scattering particles.very fine particles that are mainly blue light while particles of large size scatter light of longer wavelength.