English, asked by ka5vkritum3itY, 1 year ago

girl education speech


Answered by sripulijhu
In good old days it was emphasised that a woman’s place was in the kitchen. This is no longer true. Women look after their family and make better homes than men, but today they also occupy the highest offices.

They do not lag behind men in almost every singular aspect of life. Not long ago a Japanese housewife scaled the Mount Everest. Women play almost all the games and sports that men play. Women have proved today that they can do as much as men in any field, if they are given the chance, and it is evident from the fact that Indian Air Force have women officers today.

It has become necessary, therefore, to educate women just like men. There are numerous schools and colleges for girls and women in most of the cities. A large percentage of girls go to do post-graduate and professional courses; medicine and teaching particularly attract girls who are talented. Despite all these all these, women’s education is still lagging behind in India. The Government must provide special facilities to train large number of women teachers, because they have a liking for the profession. Preference must be given to women in courses like medicine, home craft and foreign languages.

In the present day Indian context, education for women is more imperative. India, for example, is trying to implement family planning through education. Much population increase occurs in illiterate families where both men and women are uneducated. Educated women can understand the need of a planned family for the happiness of the family and the country as a whole.

An educated women can have a indirect influence on the men mused Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. A women who has been trained in various things can act as a great influence on the child. Some of the best schools in our cities will tell the parents that a child’s progress in education depends as much on the parents as on the teachers.

A child learns from home, school and the environment. Hence, an educated mother has a great responsibility to educate her child properly. This is much more so in a developing nation like India.

To make India a prosperous country, every man and every woman in the nation must be educated. Women’s education is of prime importance, for they have been neglected in our country until recently. Women in India have outnumbered the men, hence they must be made literate for the all round development of the country.

Answered by Anonymous


Girl education -

Let us pick up our pen and pencils, they are our most powerful weapon.

- Malala Yousafzai

Girls education is equally important as that of boys education. It is necessary for the development of a country since a country doesn't constitute of boys. A society needs equal balance between girls and boys education and that can be only done when both are educated.

There are certain places in our country where girls are not educated thinking that it will go waste. People only focus on boys education because they think girls will get married and go to their husband's house, then what is the need for it. But by educating a girl they can actually educate two families.

But they are not aware of the fact of educating a girl. Educating a girl means development of country, share of burden over families, social awareness, knowledge of their rights and so on. So we should educate the girl child.

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