give 10 examples for each three types of hybridisation.
I can figure out six but not 10
There are many different types of hybridization depending upon the type of orbitals involved in mixing such as sp3, sp2 , sp. sp3d. sp3d2 , etc. Let us discuss various types of hybridization along with some examples.
The type of hybridization involves the mixing of one orbital of s-sub-level and three orbitals of p-sub-level of the .valence shell to form four sp3 hybrid orbitals of equivalent energies and shape. Each sp3 hybrid orbital bas 25% s-character and 75% p-character. These hybridized orbitals tend to lie as far apart in space as possible so that the repulsive interactions between them are minimum. The four sp3 hybrid orbitals are directed towards the four comers of a tetrahedron. The angle between the sp3 hybrid orbitals is 109.5°
sp3 hybridization is also known as tetrahedral hybridization. The molecules in which central atom is sp3 hybridized and is linked to four other atoms directly, have tetrahedral shape.
This type of hybridization involves the mixing of one orbital of s-sub-level and two orbitals of p-sub-level of the valence shell to form three sp2 hybrid orbitals. These sp2 hybrid orbitals lie in a plane and are directed towards the corners of equilateral triangle .
Each sp2 hybrid orbital has one-thirds-character and two third p-character. sp2 hybridization is also called trigonal hybridization. The molecules in which central atom is sp2 hybridized and is linked to three other atoms directly have triangular planar shape.
This type of hybridization involves the mixing of one orbital of s-sub-level and one orbital of p-sub-level of the valence shell of the atom to form two sp-hybridized orbitals of equivalent shapes and energies. These sp-hybridized orbitals are oriented in space at an angle of 180° . This hybridization is also called diagonal hybridization. Each sp hybrid orbital has equal s and p character, i.e., 50% s-character and 50% p-character. The molecules in which the central atom is sp-hybridized and is linked to two other atoms directly have linear shape.
The participation of d-orbitals in hybridization scheme can take place when d-orbitals are lying vacant or partly filled. s and p-orbitals of the outer most shell can use d-orbitals of the outer shell as well as d-orbitals of the lower shell for hybridization depending upon the nature of molecule. For example, 3d-orbitals can be involved in hybridization with 3s, 3p orbitals and also with 4s and 4p-orbital. It is because of the fact that the energy of 3d-orbitals is comparable to 3s ·and 3p-orbitals and also to s and p -orbitals of 4th shell.
This type of hybridization involves mixing of three p and one d-orbitals to form five sp3-d -hybridized orbitals which adopt trigonal bipyramidal geometry . Three of the hybrid orbitals lie in horizontal plane at angle of 120° to one another. These are called equatorial orbitals. The other two hybrid orbitals, lie in vertical plane at right angle to the plane of equatorial orbitals and are called axial orbitals .
In this type of hybridization one s, three p and two d-orbitals undergo intermixing to form six identical sp3 d2 hybrid orbitals. These six orbitals are directed towards the corners of an octahedron and lie in space at an angle of 90° to one another.