give 15 examples of inertia of motion with exlanation
Seat belts tighten in a car when it stops quickly.
Men in space find it more difficult to stop moving because of a lack of gravity acting against them.
When playing football, a player is tackled, and his head hits the ground. The impact stops his skull, but his brain continues to move and hit the inside of his skull. His brain is showing inertia.
If one drove a car directly into a brick wall, the car would stop because of the force exerted upon it by the wall. However, the driver requires a force to stop his body from moving, such as a seatbelt. Otherwise, inertia will cause his body to continue moving at the original speed until his body is acted upon by some force.
When a baseball is thrown, it will continue to move forward until acted upon by gravity. The greater the force of the throw, the harder it is for gravity to act upon it.
A hockey puck will continue to slide across the ice until acted upon by an outside force.
When pedaling a bicycle, if you stop pedaling, then the bike continues going until friction or gravity slows it down.
A car that is moving will continue, even if you switch the engine off.
If a ball is on a slanted surface and you let go, gravity will make it roll down the slope. It has inertia, and if there is a level area at the bottom of the slope, it will continue moving.
When entering a building through a rotating door, inertia will allow the door to hit you in the back if you don't get out of the way.
If you are rolling a cart with something on top and you hit something that makes the cart stop, what is on top may fall off.
It is harder to stop a big vehicle, like a bus, than a smaller vehicle, like a motorcycle. There is more inertia with the larger object.
A concussion occurs because your brain is still moving while the outside skull is stopped. This is what causes the injury.
If you are on a train and the train is moving at a constant speed, a toy tossed into the air will go straight up and then come down. This is because the toy has inertia like the train and you.
If a car is moving forward it will continue to move forward unless friction or the brakes interfere with its movement.