Give 5 reasons to justify the need to conserve water.
Five reasons for the conservation of Water are :-
1) Increase in Demand
2) Short Supply and Uneven Distribution.
3) Large Scale Population.
4) Reduce Surface run-off.
5) Reduce Soil Erosion.
Water is a scarce resource and a life sustaining resource.
Water scarcity is the result of following factors:
i. Over exploitation of water due to excessive irrigation
ii. Growing population, Industrialisation and Urbanisation
iii. Unequal distribution of water among different social groups. The poor in the rural areas blame the state machinery of diverting water in urban areas and benefiting the rich.
iv. Deteriorating quality of water due to pollution, dumping of chemical and industrial waste, garbage dumping.
v. Water scarcity is also impacted by the amount of precipitation which varies from area to area.