give 50 full and short forms
Alabama - AL
Alaska - AK
Arizona - AZ
Arkansas - AR
California - CA
Colorado - CO
Connecticut - CT
Delaware - DE
Florida - FL
Georgia - GA
Hawaii - HI
Idaho - ID
Illinois - IL
Indiana - IN
Iowa - IA
Kansas - KS
Kentucky - KY
Louisiana - LA
Maine - ME
Maryland - MD
Massachusetts - MA
Michigan - MI
Minnesota - MN
Mississippi - MS
Missouri - MO
Montana - MT
Nebraska - NE
Nevada - NV
New Hampshire - NH
New Jersey - NJ
New Mexico - NM
New York - NY
North Carolina - NC
North Dakota - ND
Ohio - OH
Oklahoma - OK
Oregon - OR
Pennsylvania - PA
Rhode Island - RI
South Carolina - SC
South Dakota - SD
Tennessee - TN
Texas - TX
Utah -UT
Vermont - VT
Virginia - VA
Washington - WA
West Virginia - WV
Wisconsin - WI
Wyoming - WY
tsp or t - teaspoon/teaspoons
tbs, tbsp or T - tablespoon/tablespoons
c - cup/cups
gal - gallon
lb - pound/pounds
pt - pint
qt - quart
Ave - avenue
Blvd - boulevard
Cyn - Canyon
Ln - lane
Rd - road
St - street
BA - Bachelor of Arts
BS - Bachelor of Science
MA - Master of Arts
M.PHIL or MPHIL - Master of Philosophy
JD - Juris Doctor
DC - Doctor of Chiropractic
PA - Personal Assistant
MD - Managing Director
VP - Vice President
SVP - Senior Vice President
EVP - Executive Vice President
CMO - Chief Marketing Officer
CFO - Chief Financial Officer
CEO - Chief Executive Officer
ACE - a cool experience
AD - awesome dude
AFAIK - as far as I know
AFK - away from keyboard
ANI - age not important
BRB - be right back
CUL - see you later
CWYL - chat with you later
IIRC - if I recall/remember correctly
IQ - ignorance quotient
LOL - laugh out loud
NP - no problem
ROFL - rolling on the floor laughing
TY - thank you
WC - wrong conversation
i hope it is helpful....