give a brief account of national or local event that has been in 2021
12 Major Events in 2021 That Could Change the World Economy
1) January 20: President-elect Biden takes office
2) February: the WTO will have a new Director-General – or not
3) March: The Last Stage of Brexit: European Parliament votes on Trade and Cooperation Agreement
4) March: Launch of China’s 14th Five-Year-Plan (2021-2025) and Long-range Objectives through 2035 at the National People’s Congress
5) July 23: 100th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party
6) July/August: Olympic Games in Tokyo – or not
7) August 17: Microsoft pulls the plug on the Internet Explorer
8) September: Covid is still not over, and the economic fallout is starting to become visible
9) September 26: Germany votes for a new Chancellor
10) October 22: Japan general election
11) October 30/31st: G20 Summit in Italy
12) November 12: COP26 in Glasgow