⏩ Give a brief description of. SQL Servers:
Short description on SQL Server:
⇒ It is an RDBMS(Relational Database Management System) Product.
⇒ It has been designed and developed by Microsoft based on codd rules.
⇒ In 1989,Microsoft,Sybase and Aston Tate released SQL Server 1.0 for OS/2.
⇒ In 2017, Sql server 14.0 is released.
⇒ It is based on platform dependent.
Databases under sql server are divided into two categories:
(a) System Databases:
⇒ Without these databases, the server will not function. Types of System database are - Master, Model, MsDB and TempDB.
(b) User Databases:
⇒ These are created and managed by the users for storing their objects.After creating a Database:When a database is created, it will have two operating system files
(a) DataFile:
⇒ It contains the information about the data and objects. It contains the start up information for the database.
(b) LogFile:
It holds transactional log information i.e contains all the information that is required to recover all transactions in the database. Saved in .ldf extension.
SQL Server Datatypes:
(a) Character
(b) Unicode Character
(c) Binary
(d) Numerics
(e) Date and Time.
Sample Program:
Create table Brainly(Name Varchar(20), ID INT);insert into Brainly(Name,ID) values ('Siddhartha', 77);
Delete table Brainly;
Advantages of SQL Server:
⇒ Security
⇒ Database mirroring and clustering.
Disadvantages of SQL Server:
⇒ Cost.
Credits - Bangarraju Sir(My SQL Server)
Hope this helps!
SQL is a special-purpose programming language designed to handle data in a relational database management system. A database server is a computer program that provides database services to other programs or computers, as defined by the client-server model.