English, asked by palm53839, 5 months ago

give a character sketch of the happy prince in about 120 words


Answered by Rits23005

The happy prince is a short story about a statue of a prince who used to be very happy when he was alive so after his death his statue was made and named as happy prince. This story is written by Oscar Wilde.

in this story the author narrates the incidents that took place after the happy prince met the little swallow. The story is about all the things happy prince asked swallow to do to help and make people around them happy and due to kind and generous nature of the prince the swallow was deeply touched and she decided to be with him forever but at the end due to the weather the swallow died at prince's feet and seeing his beloved die the heart of the prince broke too.

The author wants to tell his readers how precious,selfless generous and kind both of them were and he has shown this by writing at the end that when the god asked the Angels to bring the most precious things the Angels brought the heart of the prince and the dead swallow and the god was quite pleased to see that and he decided that in his garden of paradise the bird shall always sing and the prince shall praise him.

Hope to it helps you✨✌️

Answered by sampadroutsiku


kakha in the champ


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