English, asked by tapan14, 10 months ago

give a character sketch of the village school master??


Answered by SouvikBaidya
the characteristics of the village schoolmaster

The Village School master was a man who could easily be identified as an "old stone face", or a man with a strong gaze and expression that inspired the respect and seriousness in students.

A man severe he was, and stern to view,

He imparted discipline and apparently was in charge of placing truant students out of the streets, and he was quite good at it. The students respected him.

Well had the boding tremblers learn'd to trace
The days disasters in his morning face;

Despite of the stern look and serious authoritative nature, he was very wise, had always a joke to tell, and he actually did have a lighter side that made him more human to others.

At all his jokes, for many a joke had he:

Yet he was kind; or if severe in aught,
The love he bore to learning was in fault.
The village all declar'd how much he knew;
'Twas certain he could write, and cipher too

He apparently will argue a point until turning blue in the face, whether or not he had the right argument. He was also strong in making his point across.

For e'en though vanquish'd he could argue still

While words of learned length and thund'ring sound
Amazed the gazing rustics rang'd around;

However, we know that the passage was an elegy to the man, who was already forgotten in time, and this poem was a way to bring his uniqueness back to life again.

hope this will help you.

Answered by rihuu95


The character sketch of the village school master is he was a strict and disciplinarian.  


          Character sketch of the village school master

The village school master was a strict and disciplinarian.  But he a kind hearted and good person. He can read , write , calculate and forecastle weather and tides . He teach the students very nicely , sometimes he use to tell jokes to the students and the students use to laugh to make his mood

Despite of the stern look and serious authoritative nature, he was very wise, had always a joke to tell, and he actually did have a lighter side that made him more human to others. At all his jokes, for many a joke had he: Yet he was kind; or if severe in aught, The love he bore to learning was in fault.

The village schoolmaster is an ideal teacher. It is not that he teaches in a village so he is not ideal. He was admired and respected not only by the students, but from the villagers too.

The villagers were unanimous in their opinion that he really was a learned and an extremely knowledgeable man. He could write and calculate too. He could also survey land, forecast weather and tides. .

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